Data Science Seminar: Challenging Predictions in Energy Forecasting
28 Jan 2020, by Sponsored events in5 February 2020 at 14:00
Room G.09, Fry Building, Woodland Road, University of Bristol, BS8 1UG
A talk by Dr Jethro Browell, an EPSRC Innovation Fellow at the University of Strathclyde
Energy forecasting is a key capability that helps keep the lights on, and an exciting multi-disciplinary research area that brings together engineers, meteorologists, statisticians and others. This seminar will introduce renewable energy and electricity demand forecasting, and show how data science is driving innovation by uncovering predictive power in data, old and new. It will also highlight outstanding challenges, particularly in multivariate forecasting with bounded variables, and ask if energy forecasters are really predicting the things that are of most interest and value to end-users.
Dr Jethro Browell is an EPSRC Innovation Fellow at the University of Strathclyde and will be in Bristol as a Heilbronn Visitor in Data Science from 27 January to 21 February 2020. His research interests span all aspects of energy forecast production and use. This includes wind, solar, hydro, demand and price forecasting in the context of power system operation and participation in energy markets.
The Jean Golding Institute has teamed up with the Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research to showcase the latest research in Data Science – methodology with roots in Mathematics and Computer Science with important applied implications.
The series will feature a range of internationally regarded high-profile speakers on topics that will be relevant to a broad audience.