Focused Research: Graphical Representations of Spin Systems

20 Dec 2021, by ablahatherell in Sponsored events

5 – 7 September 2022

Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research, University of Bristol, UK

The purpose of this workshop is to bring together a small number of experts on various graphical representations of spin systems, such as loop and current representations of classical spin systems and random stirring representations of quantum spin system. We aim to take advantage of and maintain the recent momentum in the field with a view towards major open problems. The idea is to have a limited number of participants and to have plenty of time for informal discussions. Invited participants will be encouraged to speak on the topics outlined (and other closely related topics) with a view towards open problems.

Organiser: Benjamin Lees (Bristol)


Volker Betz (TU Darmstadt)
Tyler Helmuth (Durham)
Andreas Klippel (TU Darmstadt)
Roman Kotecky (Warwick)
Marcin Lis (Vienna)
Lorenzo Taggi (Rome Sapienza)
Balint Tóth (Bristol & Budapest)
Daniel Ueltschi (Warwick)

Participation is by invitation only.