Fry Conference Series: Challenges and Recent Advances in Mathematical Physics 2021

04 Feb 2020, by franblake in Events

20 – 22 January 2021 (Online)

The Fry Conference Series events are being held to celebrate the move of the School of Mathematics at the University of Bristol to the recently refurbished Fry Building. The historic, Grade II listed Fry building is situated at the heart of the university campus, providing world class facilities for teaching and research. Find out more about the Fry Building. 

Taking place over three days, this international conference features a distinguished line up of speakers, covering a broad range of topics in mathematical physics including quantum information, quantum field theory, integrable systems, random matrix theory and statistical physics.


Francesco Mezzadri (Bristol)
Mike Blake (Bristol)
Tamara Grava (Bristol)
Ashley Montanaro (Bristol)
Roman Schubert (Bristol)


Alexander Bobenko (TU Berlin) [Public Lecture]
Harry Buhrman (CWI and QUSOFT)
Tom Claeys (UC Louvain)
Margherita Disertori (Bonn)
Eva-Maria Graefe (Imperial College)
Subir Sachdev (Harvard)
Sylvia Serfaty (New York)

For more information please email the Heilbronn events team at

Information on past Fry Conference Series is available here

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